Student Wellness Policy
Nutrition Standards and Guidelines
Goals for Student Wellness
It’s a Community Effort - Coordinated School Health and Safety Committee
Tempe Elementary Schools is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of all our students. The Coordinated School Health and Safety committee members represent schools, physical education, nutrition services, health services, outreach, parents, and community partners. The committee meets four times per year to review, plan and coordinate district and school-based goals and activities that are aligned with the Student Wellness Policy.
Assessing Progress
Every three years, the Coordinated School Health and Safety committee members, in partnership with the schools, conduct an in-depth assessment of progress made in implementing our policy goals.
Some components can be easily assessed by asking the question, “Did we do this?” while others are more difficult to measure. A tool developed by the Arizona Department of Education, the Student Wellness Policy Activity and Assessment Tool, was utilized to document the district’s actions that implement what is written in the policy. Actions being implemented are checked next to the action statement, and indicates whether the district is working on the action and continues to develop it, or the action has been successfully implemented.
Summary of 2023 Assessment
Tempe Elementary has strong policies and aligned practices that promote student wellness. Tempe Elementary can work to enhance nutrition education curriculum that aligns with academic standards and addresses food systems.
We value your input!
Email us to share us your comments and questions on the development process, implementation, and review or updating of our Student Wellness Policy goals.
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